He Raises The Poor Out Of The Dust…
We should be glad in the Lord in all our days. We should sing praise to the Lord for His mighty works in our lives and in our lands. It is because of the Lord goodness and love for us that our lives are made rich in righteousness, and therefore, we should sing His praise throughout the day and all through the night.
He has made His wonderful works to be remembered;
The Lord is gracious and full of compassion.
He has given food to those who fear Him;
He will ever be mindful of His covenant.
He has declared to His people the power of His works,
In giving them the heritage of the nations. ~ Psalms 111:4-6 NKJB
Our lives are made full with the Love of the Lord and His praise in our hearts and on our lips brings joy to those around us. The people in our lives can not help but be affected as such rejoicing fills the air and lifts the Spirit in those who hear.
Hearts are changed, minds renewed and trusting in the Lord overcomes the wicked. The power, strength and grace of the Lord falls on those and moves their lives our of darkness into the Light.
Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness;
He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.
A good man deals graciously and lends;
He will guide his affairs with discretion.
Surely he will never be shaken;
The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance.
He will not be afraid of evil tidings;
His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. ~ Psalms 112:4-7 NKJB
Even as God, Himself, humbles Himself before the things in heaven and in the earth we, too, should humble ourselves in our endeavors. Who are we to be prideful about any aspect our lives if our Lord humbles Himself before the poor, and needy, whom He rises out of the dust and ashes?
Our God, Lord of All, makes us to rise up in gladness, humility and light from the ashes of our broken lives that we may be seated along side princes. That we may live for Him who saved us, who pulled us out of the wreckage and set us with the princes of His people. Can we not find a little humility within our lives? Can we not show a little gratitude for the riches our lives are showered? Can we not simply sing His praise in all aspects of our lives for it is by His hand, and His hand alone, that we have life, that we have a seat and that we are able to stand in the Light of His glory.
Who humbles Himself to behold
The things that are in the heavens and in the earth?
He raises the poor out of the dust,
And lifts the needy out of the ash heap,
That He may seat him with princes—
With the princes of His people. ~ Psalms 113:6-8 NKJB
Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.